Day One (Sunday, July 3) Packed up the truck and drove up to Orange City. Stayed at 1876 Heritage Inn,… Read more Florida Roadtrippin’ Day One (end point Orange City)
Category: Life & Such
Artsy Fartsy Stuff
So, I mentioned I’d been doing more painting and telling myself it was okay to like my paintings even if… Read more Artsy Fartsy Stuff
Healthy Backs
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I don’t play one on TV. I’ve never flunked out med school. Take all… Read more Healthy Backs
DIY and the Cult of Doing
If I’ve learned anything in the past year, it’s that people will pay for anything that makes them feel more productive, powerful,… Read more DIY and the Cult of Doing
Lisa Rider: Captain Planet
My last few posts have been a bit cynical and maudlin because I’ve been in a funk for months that… Read more Lisa Rider: Captain Planet
Dial tone
I’ve been in a bit of a daze lately. I’ve been feeling disconnected from the rest of the world for… Read more Dial tone
Kickstarter and the Club of Self-Righteousness
I’ve been pondering Kickstarter a lot lately. Ran all the numbers and everything. Let them sit. Because Kickstarter is highly… Read more Kickstarter and the Club of Self-Righteousness
When Outlining Gets Out of Control
I’m not much for outlining. I try. I understand the concept. Except, then I write and everything goes off the… Read more When Outlining Gets Out of Control
Writing…and junk
A lot of writers blog about writing. Often. I have no idea how they find that many things to say,… Read more Writing…and junk
Back in Time
I don’t remember watching the first season of The X-Files. I may not have. It first aired my senior year of… Read more Back in Time