Stirred to power by rage, fearful spite
Triggered by self-righteous blame
Vitriol built upon the foundations of foreclosed homes, shuttered factories
So did a great and terrible darkness
Descend upon the land.
Great rolling waves on the sea to shining sea.
Crowned by red and pointed white.
Amid the many shelters
Did the bringers of love
Light their torches to fight
Stirred to power by threats, shotgun attacks
Triggered by an avalanche of deception
Determination founded on approaching death
Great rolling footfalls of brotherhood
Crowned by pussies and ranger hats
Thus did flame met flame
March across the land
Great rolling heat abolish the fruited plain
Tears apart all but the brightest
Destroys all but the lowest
Amid the ruins
Seeds cracked open by the inferno
Fed by bodies long gone
Stirred by rains of hope, nurtured despite
Triggered to sprout and grow
Great rolling fields of grain
Fed by the sun
As it rises on a new day
And the cycle begins again.