Lounging around Venice (FL)

There are not many things you need to know about this sleepy little town on the Gulf Coast of Florida.


One is that the two best restaurants are:


Cassariano — superb little Italian place with a few vegetarian things in the cute little downtown area.

Upper Crust Bakery — terrific breakfast spot

As for things on the water or near the water…The Crow’s Nest has a downstairs pub area that’s just the sort of dive-y little weird place the husband and I like to check out on vacation. The food cannot be called healthy, but after running my butt off at the hotel gym, I wasn’t feeling guilty about it. Also, Cigar City Jai Alai IPA on draft.

As for places to stay, I think I looked at all of them online before settling on the Ramada. Sounds mundane, but ended up being quite the score. It’s been recently remodeled so on the outside it’s the quintessential Florida vacation hotel complete with poolside bar and kids squealing in the shallow end. On the inside, it’s all Hilton-esque linens and decor.



Perfect relaxing getaway.

Oh, about seven miles from the Ramada is a little “park” where you can walk around in the swampy scrub lands until your face melts. If, however, you head off the main paths toward the creek that leads to the river, you’ll probably run across some wild boars who use it as a watering hole. My phone decided to reset itself around this time, so you’ll just have to take my word for it that baby wild boars are ADORABLE.

2013-05-26_11-46-21_982Not too much to see or do or explore nearby, so we mostly had to chill, which is not something either of us does well. My friend, who went with us, chills far better than I do. (She had entirely too many piña coladas while I was running.)